Thursday, December 18, 2008

Alexis' 1st christmas

What a day of fun and pictures. This past week I took my son's sweet little family to the public library and took some very sweet pictures. I have so many cute pictues I can't choose what I will post. Enjoy the pictures and to all have a blessed Merry Christmas. Love to all, The Blair Family

Friday, December 12, 2008

A lesson learned

I recently read an article that made me think how we as people are very selfish individuals by nature. I think of myself as someone who tries to be nice to others and helpful, but it gave me a little bit of insight how people take things for granted, including our family and friends. I feel so very blessed to have the people in my life that I do, I am abudantly blessed by God each day. I am going to work very hard to give the gifts that God has given me to bless others. I have a challenge to everyone during this Holiday season...If you are anywhere and you think of something that you could do to help someone, with no hesitation do it. Whether its opening the door or grocery shopping for someone, cleaning a house or even taking a neighbors pet walking. Lets try to include this in our daily life...we never know how much one simple task can bless others. Lets not use people and love things....instead LETS LOVE PEOPLE AND USE THINGS! God has given each of us a gift that we all should use to glorify him.

Merry Christmas to all!
In his name,